Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

There has never been any charge for the Buddha's Teachings. However, there is a suggested donation of £300 for a ten-day course, which is put towards the cost of food and accommodation.

What about food and accommodation?

Food: a wide range of tasty vegetarian dishes is provided, which should satisfy even those with dietary requirements. We are unable to cater to individual requests but full allergen information is available for every meal. Rice, steamed vegetables and a salad are always included every day in the lunch menu.

Accommodation: this is mostly shared. Please let us know if you have any special needs.

How can I be sure I am capable of doing the meditation?

For a person who is genuinely interested, meditation (including Noble Silence) is not difficult. If one follows the instructions diligently, one can be sure of tangible results. The day's schedule is neither too severe nor too relaxed but follows the Middle Path. Sayagyi U Ba Khin taught his students to work with "zestful ease".

Do I have to be a Buddhist?

No, you only need an open mind and the intention to give the technique a fair trial.

Can I come for a shorter period?

It is possible to come just for the first weekend and practise the first two steps of morality and concentration. We normally accept people who come for the first time only if they are able to stay for a minimum of three days as it takes that long for the benefits of the practice to become evident.